So after getting 3 reviews and a rather lengthy, but encouraging message from Mr. Cahan, I've decided that two things need to happen before going into the new year:
1.) I need to do a bit of revising on my script
2.) I need to purchase version 8 of Final Draft software package
Some interesting observations have come to light from reviewers of my script. This is why a community where screenwriters can share their work is so beneficial. Scriptwriters, many seasoned in the art, can offer tips, fixes, and insightful suggestions. It's good to get input from friends and family members, but these will be mostly biased and from the perspective of an untrained eye. Not to say that these people have nothing to offer, in fact, I believe that this is probably a good place to begin. Friends can read through and let you know if generally your story flows and makes sense, pick out typos and glaring mistakes and offer their first impressions. After the friend and family circuit is complete, I would then put your work out to the Talentville community or a similar site where work, ideas and suggestions can be exchanged.
After a good handful of thoughtful reviews, you could find that the same comments might come up. In my case, for example, it had come up with all 3 reviewers that I had too much description distracting from the dialog and that much of my dialog could be tightened up a bit more. There were some other observations common amongst the reviewers that I will look to address in a revised version of Martin Eden. I can begin doing much of this work with the demo version of Final Draft. But my first priority is to purchase the most current, version 8 of the software.
I have a confession to make too, which has bothered me as both a Christian and a man of much integrity. My award winning script was developed by illegal means. A friend of mine had offered that there was a key to unlock the demo version of the software, thereby giving me full access to Final Draft 7. I'm not that technically savvy, so I allowed this friend to do all the dirty work. This further helped alleviate my conscience of any direct guilt in the matter. Once I realized how amazing this software was, I swore that I would pay these people and always felt a nagging sense of guilt about this.
I have since lost the bootlegged software, due mostly to my aforementioned ineptitude in technical areas. But this is just as well. I will purchase version 8 legally, spend some time over a much needed break over the holidays and focus on some revisions. Martin Eden is a very good script as evidenced by the 4 competitions it placed in. Now on it's way to greatness...
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