Saturday, May 18, 2013

Summertime - A Good Time to Sell Your Script?

Next week is Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial launch of summer.  The summer blockbusters will hit the movie theaters, TV series take a break until the fall, or worse, get cancelled. I was wondering what all the industry people are doing during this time.  Are they taking time off?  Are they working harder on developing material for the fall?  Are they seeking new material and reading scripts for next season's potential hits?

I have no idea.  Perhaps it's a little of everything. What does this mean for writers like me who have a potential success on our hands, just waiting for the right producer to get as excited as we are about it and to find a home for our story?  I wonder if the summer is a better time to ramp-up marketing efforts than any other time of the year?

Is summer is a better time to make a marketing push than fall, winter or spring?  I think it might be better to just maintain a regular effort of generating awareness for our work throughout the year. I think it would be wise to always be involved in some phase of improving our work, making contacts with industry people, blogging, sending queries, revising our work and even developing new content.

I am in the process of re-working a query letter for my script, Martin Eden, which is a rather faithful adaptation of Jack London's 1909 novel.  In my mind I can see it come o life on the screen. I believe, beyond any doubt, that it will find a faithful audience of both young and old alike.  I see it as more of a thoughtful Indy film or series that would attract an impressive international viewership. I know it won't be the next Star Trek Into Darkness, but I am convinced that if treated well, it will make some very impressive profits.

Like many success stories through the ages, what do we hear over and over... believe in yourself (and your work) and never give up on your dream...

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